History of Masjid Ar-Rahman
We believe that it is important and equally appropriate that we document our history and growth to reference our progress, to determine where we came from and where we are planning to be in the future, by the Grace of Allah.
Masjid Ar-Rahman was formed in November of 1998 at a meeting called at Nazar and Rakia Mustafa home. In attendance was Mohamed Ilham, Nazar Mustafa, Rakia Mustafa, Mahmood Ishmael, Nizam Juman, Wazir Ullah, Rasheed Ibrahim, Zoreena Ibrahim and Naimoon Baksh.
Mohamed Ilham was elected as the Imam and President, Brother Nazaar Mustafa as Secretary, Brother Zaf Zabar as Vice President, Brother Rasheed Ibrahim as Treasurer, Wazir Ullah as Assistant Secretary, Naz Deen as Coordinator and Brother Subhan Balkarran as Mouzim and a thirteen member board of trustees. This effort started in the basement at 171 Street in Jamaica, Queens. The building that was used was donated to us free of charge by Brother Nizam Juman, the son of our late sister, Zenora and our the late brother, Hashim Juman- may Allah be pleased with them.
Over the years many others have joined the Board of Trustees and Executives and contributed significantly to the success.
After some time in the basement, we identified a house located at 94-42 212th Street as a potential site to be used to house our Masjid. After consultation with the Executives, Trustees and members, it was agreed to purchase the this house on November, 19th, 1999. A down payment was raised from donations was made and we secured funding of the remainder.
After eight years of growth, despite several modifications to the building to accommodate new members, the building became too small. Other options were looked into to cater for the ever increasing growth. Hence, the current location was purchased.
In early 2007 we entered into a contract to purchase the current property which house a two-storied concrete building with about 14,000 square feet of land at 98-10 211th Street in Queens, New York. Closing took place in late March of 2007.
We sold the 212th Street property , after seeking Court approval to sell. The funds were used to acquire the 211th Street property.
In late 2008 early 2009 we retained Brother Jameel Coopin, Architect to design a structure for the new site. The engineering draft of the new building was done and submitted to New York City Building Department for approval. Approval was granted from the New York Building Department to construct a solid two storied concrete building to house our Masjid on the ground floor and Community center on the upper floor.
Construction started in 2011 and the Masjid was completed in early 2020.

May Allah Accept All the Efforts Made:
Masjid Ar-Rahman is a beautiful landmark in Queens Village, and stands as a testimony to those who assisted in the building of this place of worship. May Allah grant all those who inspired the Board and contributed their time and efforts towards the completion. We wish to thank Brother Jameel Coopin, Uncle Mohamed Hoosein, Brother Mahmood Ishmael, Contractors Wazir Khan, Fazal Hassan and Hajji Ago and all the others for the time they spent in the design, working with the New York City DOB and other vendors. Additionally, a big thank you to all the skilled and unskilled donated labor force who helped throughout the construction phase. We thanks all those who donated and pray Allah accept our humble efforts.

At Masjid Rahman, we believe in the importance of DAWAH. We organize lectures on a Monthly basis so people can benefit.
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We organize monthly community meetings to discuss activities of the Masjid and ongoing projects.
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